Voters Guide: Kilgore vs. Hofmann for Warren County’s state school board seat

The candidates for Ohio's District 4 state board of education seat in the November 2022 election are Katie Hofmann (left) and Jenny Kilgore (right)

The candidates for Ohio's District 4 state board of education seat in the November 2022 election are Katie Hofmann (left) and Jenny Kilgore (right)

All candidates for local and state office were sent the same series of questions by the Dayton Daily News. Our goal was to help voters make informed choices in the Nov. 8 election (early voting for which began Oct. 12).

The fourth district of Ohio’s State Board of Education includes Warren and Hamilton counties. This nonpartisan race is between incumbent Jenny Kilgore and challenger Katie Hofmann. The candidates’ answers are below, in their own words. Candidates are listed in alphabetical order.

Katie Hofmann

Residence: Symmes Township, Hamilton County

Organizations, boards, previous elected positions: Symmes Township District Chair, Symmes Township Precinct Executive, President - Northeast Dems, Cincinnati Federation of Teachers—Collective Bargaining Chair, Secretary, Vice President, Cincinnati Public Schools—Lead Teacher Race to the Top and Teacher Incentive Fund, Delegate— Cincinnati Labor Council, Recording Secretary EBoard Cincinnati AFLCIO

Education: Graduate degrees

Current employment: Retired teacher

Why are you seeking elected office: The voices of teachers and students need to be represented and fought for on the State Board of Education.

Katie Hofmann, candidate for state school board in November 2022.

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Why should voters elect you: I have 37 years of experience working with students, leading teachers and building community support for Public Schools

If elected, what will be your top three priorities? Build a collaborative School Board invested in supporting ALL students, teachers and their communities

What specific plans do you have to address those top priorities? 1. Finding common ground 2. Make decisions based on research with evidence 3. Attend local School Board meetings to listen to concerns and communicate with other School Board members to help support their communities.

Anything else you would like voters to know? I believe that if all children are respected then schools will be safe for all kinds of students.


Jenny Kilgore

Residence: Glendale (Cincinnati suburb)

Organizations, boards, previous elected positions: I have served as an elected member of the Village of Glendale Council (2004-2019), served as Vice Mayor; The West Point Society, Cincinnati, Board of Directors; West Point Leadership & Ethics Seminar Planning Committee; The Freedoms Foundation at Valley Forge, Cincinnati Chapter, Mid-Western Educational Research Association Board, Hamilton County Watershed Oversight, First Suburbs Consortium of Hamilton County, Connecting Active Communities Coalition, and a variety of county committees encouraging collaboration and fiscal responsibility.

Education: I graduated from Deer Park High School, Xavier University with a BS in Education & M.Ed., and Miami University with a Ph.D. in Educational Leadership, Curriculum Theory.

Current Employment: Instructor at Miami University, Hamilton

State school board member Jenny Kilgore, who is running for re-election in November 2022.

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Why are you seeking elected office: I am the Candidate with Conservative Values running for the Ohio Board of Education & will be on the November 8, 2022 ballot in Hamilton & Warren Counties. My extensive experience in education, history of community involvement, and investment in public service make me a valuable resource to represent Ohio students and their families. I taught middle school Literature & Grammar, Landmark Christian Schools for 15 years, and young adults who aspire to become educators at Miami University for 24 years. Along with my husband of 47 years, Timothy Stuart Kilgore, we have raised a daughter who earned her graduate degree from Washington University in St Louis, and a son who earned his graduate degree at Harvard University, both valedictorians at Landmark Christian School and graduates of The United States Military Academy at West Point. I have a strong skill set that is of benefit to my constituents.

Why should voters elect you: My goals as a member of Ohio Board of Education are to support our districts’ students by adamantly supporting parental authority and rights to make educational decisions that are best for their children, providing our teachers with the tools and supports that they need to be effective, and providing the supports that our students need to be active learners.

If elected, what will be your top three priorities? Issues of Importance:

** Safe learning environments

** Fiscal responsibility

** Stakeholder (community & parent) participation; local control

** Accountability & choice: quality opportunity for all students: preparation for post-graduation endeavors.

What specific plans do you have to address those top priorities? I interact closely with parents, community, and school administration to assure them that their best interests are being considered. When considering any decision made by the board, three considerations are always foremost in my thinking:

1. How does this impact student academic/vocational learning for good citizenship?

2. How does this impact parental ability/responsibility for their student’s education/learning?

3. How does this support Ohio Local Control > Community, Parents, Schools?

Anything else you would like voters to know? I am the Candidate with Conservative Values running for the Ohio Board of Education & will be on the November 2022 ballot in Hamilton & Warren Counties. My extensive experience in education, history of community involvement, and investment in public service make me a valuable resource to represent you and your family on the Ohio Board of Education.